about the procurement school

Our customers

Beginning as NECI in 1980, the Procurement School serves a diverse client base comprised of Canadian public sector organizations and individuals, who conduct procurement and contracting activities. Pro-active by nature, our clients recognize the immense value of the ‘preventative maintenance’ approach to procurement training. They understand the return on investment from providing their staff with early and regular education about the ever-changing Canadian procurement landscape. Our clients fully appreciate that risk management begins with risk identification, and have a sincere desire to attract, engage and retain top performing procurement professionals.

Metro Vancouver Logo
British Columbia Logo
Yukon logo
Manitoba Logo
Regional Municipality Wood Buffalo Logo
Comox Valley Logo
Victoria Police Logo
Saint mary's university logo
Strathcona County logo
Toronto Community housing logo
Service New Brunswick Logo

Case Studies

The smallest and westernmost of Canada’s three federal territories, the Yukon has a diverse population of 42,000, with 76% of the population living in Whitehorse. The government sector is by far the largest employer in the territory, directly employing approximately 5,000 out of a labor force of 12,500.

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The City of Abbotsford, located in the Fraser Valley region of BC, serves a rapidly growing population of over 141,000.

With many staff changes and significant projects on the horizon, the timing was perfect to offer Procurement information sessions geared to bringing everyone up to speed on the important topics of the supply chain world.

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The Nova Scotia government has undergone a major transformation since the Shared Services Act (Bill No 60) took effect in December, 2015. With a move to standardizing and centralizing government procurement functions, the Procurement Branch of the Department of Internal Services (ISD Procurement), who was traditionally responsible for working only with government departments, recently took over procurement services for the health authorities in the province, having been consolidated from ten to two entities.

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The Deisleen Development Corp (DDC) is a federally incorporated not for profit community economic development agency with a mandate to create a positive environment for economic growth for the community of Teslin, Yukon, and surrounding area, and all people living in the Teslin Tlingit traditional territory. Specifically, the DDC’s role includes unearthing new economic development prospects, assisting in business development opportunities, setting up, administering and managing community economic development projects and initiatives, and generating new jobs.

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In the spring of 2016 the City of Edmonton conducted a staff needs assessment which identified a requirement to implement contract management training for over 200 procurement staff by the end of the year. While initially considering development of internal training, the City of Edmonton recognized the benefits of contracting out the training to ensure immediate delivery of market-tested, high-quality education from nationally recognized subject matter experts at NECI.

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Metro Vancouver is a partnership of 21 municipalities, one Electoral Area and one Treaty First Nation that collaboratively plans for and delivers regional-scale services. Its core services are drinking water, wastewater treatment and solid waste management. Metro Vancouver also regulates air quality, plans for urban growth, manages a regional parks system and provides affordable housing. The regional district is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of elected officials from each local authority. Metro Vancouver approached NECI in 2012 to prepare and deliver a condensed and focused procurement workshop for elected officials.

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At CF Industries, the procurement department facilitates and manages the bid and award process for competitive contracting. In the spring of 2013, CF Industries was working with 80% new staff, especially in the engineering area. Many of the new staff had come from private sector with limited knowledge of Canadian competitive contracting law. Although private sector itself, CF understood the importance of its obligations under Contract A when electing to use competitive contracting and wanted to protect the integrity of the process. CF wanted to have their procurement team, engineers, managers and end user group attend together so they could all benefit from the training and work effectively together on upcoming competitive procurements.

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In 2013 both Purchasing and Sales and Project Procurement staff at TTC identified a need for comprehensive procurement training. The challenge they faced was that, because the two groups operate somewhat independently within very different areas of procurement for the corporation, each had different needs from a training program. While Purchasing and Sales staff focus primarily on procuring goods and related services for the transit operations and facilities, Project Procurement folks focus on capital construction projects and related services such as architectural design and engineering. To complicate matters, each group had a mixture of very seasoned, experienced procurement staff and new recruits with varying backgrounds and credentials in the supply chain field.

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In November 2012, The City of Calgary launched its Corporate Project Management Framework (CPMF) program in response to recommendations prepared by the City Auditor’s Office as a result of audits of several major capital projects. In the first two years of the CPMF Program, ten minimum project management standards for capital projects were developed and implemented. In addition to those standards, the CPMF program produced a number of documents to support the integral relationship of project management and contract management. These documents include comprehensive guidelines for alternative contract strategies and The City’s procurement policies and processes. Along with these guidelines, a CPMF project delivered contracting and procurement training recommendations for City project managers.

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In 2013 the Regional Municipality was in the process of implementing new procurement policies, procedures and procurement systems. At the same time, it was in the early planning stages for some major capital and operational projects estimated at approximately $500M per year for the coming 4-5 years. In order to enhance the capacity of the Supply Chain Management department in preparation for these initiatives, the Regional Municipality began to search for suitable, affordable and timely procurement training.

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The staff was in need of additional knowledge and skills in the areas of contract negotiations, vendor relationship management, and managing contract expectations and performance. In addition, the Executives involved in the procurement processes needed a refresher on the laws and obligations of public sector bodies during a competitive process.

All training had to be delivered within a very specific time frame of one week.

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In January 2009, the GoA set out to implement a new initiative which would increase the contracting authority delegated to the ministry level. An important component of this initiative would be a new Accountability Framework, which would define procurement and contract management guidelines for the ministries.

In-depth training would be required to familiarize the GoA’s procurement and contract management staff with the new Accountability Framework and the implications of their increased level of responsibility. The development of the training program had a rigid deadline, to align with the roll-out and implementation of the framework. In addition, like all government organizations, public-sector budget pressures called for the most efficient development process possible.

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In 2009, the Government of Nova Scotia and Halifax Regional Municipality identified the need for a customizable, public sector specific procurement training program that was rooted in Canadian law. Because government organizations were, and continue to be, under increased budgetary pressures since the economic downturn; they are finding that they are pressed to do more with less. As such, the RFP issued by the government for the development of a program called for maximum efficiency in both the program design process, and also for public sector training budgets moving forward.

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In 2011, Community Living BC (CLBC) identified the need to develop a new procurement policy and corresponding procurement and contracting guide. There were many factors to take into account when selecting a vendor to develop the training module. They had an implementation target of just six months, and multiple stakeholder groups to consider, including the Central Purchasing Agency and the Learning Agency. In addition, CLBC wanted the training program to have longevity with the view that they could eventually take over the module delivery themselves to keep costs down.

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In the fall of 2011, the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer identified the need for procurement training, to promote fairness, consistency, and transparency in their public procurement process. Their challenges were threefold: 1) increased cost pressures called for maximum efficiency in training, 2) the content had to be in a condensed format due to limited staff availability, and 3) the skill level of the participant group would vary greatly.

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In January 2010, the Development Services Branch of Accommodation and Real Estate Services (ARES) for the Province of British Columbia contacted NECI to inquire about its popular course: How to Avoid Indecent Proposals.They had heard great things about the course, and wanted to deliver it to staff in Victoria and Kelowna. Unfortunately, there was a recent mandate imposed on all training budgets which restricted travel. As a result, it appeared that they could only afford to train one of the groups that year.

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Amanda Ferraro

Procurement Analyst, Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia

“The Procurement School has been an excellent resource for procurement advice and training.”

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Their expertise and guidance have helped me streamline and enhance procurement processes and has also brought valuable insight. I highly recommend The Procurement School to any person or organization seeking to optimize their procurement practices.

Amanda LeVangie

Amanda LeVangie

Procurement Officer , Halifax Water

“I would never have been able to learn the public sector procurement process through any other program as thoroughly and quickly as I have with the PSPP. I would recommend it for all public sector procurement professionals. I give the program a 10 out of 10.”

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As a Procurement Officer with Halifax Water, Amanda LeVangie has been managing procurement processes there for the past year and a half. Prior to this she had been working in the private sector and realizes now that she had little understanding of how different public sector procurement was.

Amanda enrolled in the PSPP to learn about the legal obligations that govern the public procurement process in Canada, and to ensure a successful career in the public sector. She attended the entire program online and enjoyed the ability to work at her own pace.

Amanda’s previous procurement training was offered through the private sector and she found it to have a narrow focus, mainly on cost and negotiation. She enjoyed that the PSPP had an overview of all areas of the procurement process, with particular emphasis on the nuances of the public environment.

What were your best “take-aways”?

“Graduating from the PSPP arms you with essential tools required to make informed decisions regarding procurement best practice.”

Nelson Cham

Nelson Cham

Accountant, Special Education Technology – BC (SET-BC)

“The PSPP has helped me grow professionally and has qualified me to take on more responsibilities.”

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Nelson has been with the Vancouver School Board (VSB) for over 12 years, where he has been assigned to SET-BC since April 2018. While he is currently an accountant with SET BC, approximately 60% of his current responsibilities involve handling procurement activities and reporting to the Admin Team who make the decisions around procurement requirements. Nelson also handles timely product implementation and coordinates with Vancouver School Board to ensure compliance with policies and procedures.

Why did the PSPP appeal to Nelson?

The PSPP online format appealed to Nelson as it allowed him to complete the certificate program within the year, enabling him to apply what he was learning ‘sooner rather than later’. He felt that both the speed and delivery format also allowed him to achieve a better work/life balance by avoiding the requirement for in-class, likely evening participation. He was able to complete the program components alongside his full-time work responsibilities.

Rating the PSPP as a 10/10 (strongly recommended), Nelson found that the program provided him with the critical knowledge in public procurement to improve the planning process, and to be better able to explain the procurement rules to his Admin Team. This in turn improves SET-BC’s internal risk management processes.

“The PSPP provided excellent case examples, allowing participants to apply critical thinking while learning about risk management and best practices for public sector procurement. It emphasized how procurement law and other requirements are subject to change and reinforced the need for ongoing learning to remain up-to-date.”

What were your best “take-aways”?

“I learned how to approach the grey areas in procurement with confidence. While SET-BC relies on the SMEs at the Vancouver School Board for procurement in excess of threshold amounts, the tools and strategies that I learned in the PSPP allowed me to better understand VSB processes and to provide feedback to my Admin Team so that they can make more informed decisions.”

Steve Bowen

Steve Bowen

Procurement Specialist, Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Corporation

The PSPP has dramatically increased my perception of how a contract is planned, created, and managed. As a result, I have built in some effective payment milestones, which have really helped a Service Agreement. We were able to stay on-track, end on-time, and on-budget! 10 out of 10.”

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As a Procurement Specialist with Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Corporation, Steve manages the procurement for a production-based environment. He has 14 years experience in Supply Chain with 3 years in his current position as Procurement Specialist.

Why did the PSPP appeal to Steve?

Steve enrolled in the PSPP as he felt it enables students to see the ‘whole picture’ of the procurement-to-pay process, especially the contract planning and development phase.

He shared that it was effective in so many ways, from examining case studies, to the weekly LIVE sessions and in-depth conversations exploring creative, problem-solving strategies with his cross-country cohort.

What were your best “take-aways”?

“The PSPP course has helped me advance my career, by allowing me to understand the contract language, interpret and action it quickly. From the planning and development with my stakeholders, all the way through to the milestones of managing the contract efficiently.”

Erin Annis

Erin Annis

Procurement Officer , Cowichan Valley Regional District

The PSPP was a comprehensive program tailored to public procurement practices. The online delivery style, flexible modules and course content and resources appealed to me as directly relevant and adaptable for my needs and has enabled me to develop in the Procurement Officer function within my organization.”

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Why did the PSPP appeal to Erin?

Erin found the online modules, webinars and discussion forum to be very effective and provided flexibility to complete the program while working full time. She had considered a few different programs, and aside from the flexible delivery format, Erin found that the PSPP was directly relevant to her work and most cost-effective.

The PSPP was also great for networking with a cross-Canada cohort of public procurement professionals from all levels of government. This enabled the sharing of up-to-date trends, real life experiences and best practices, and exploring ways to implement the various program tools.

Were there any ‘ah ha’ moments?

“Discussing the Draft RFP concept was an “ah ha” moment for me. This tool provides the opportunity to engage vendors in a fair and transparent manner to gather information and invite feedback from them that can be used to adjust the RFx document before it is formalized.

This collaborative approach provides the opportunity to ensure the RFx better reflects the needs of all parties (bidders, end users and purchasers). While not appropriate for every process, using a Draft RFP can help avoid costly errors and potential lack of bids that can be caused by confusion about the opportunity.”

Robert Boyle

Robert Boyle

Senior Director, Strategic Joint Procurement, Nova Scotia Power

“The program expanded my knowledge base quickly and efficiently. Its case-study approach was appealing as it simulates ‘learning by doing.’ I was in a procurement position leading staff and I needed to enhance my foundational knowledge by applying it to the interpretation of provincial legislation and regulations.”

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Robert Boyle is responsible for overseeing collaborative regional strategic procurement efforts between Nova Scotia Power and New Brunswick Power.

Robert is an avid supporter of the PSPP and attributes aspects of his career advancement to the program.

“I believe the PSPP helped in two ways. First, it increased my confidence on complex procurement decisions, changing since it changed my approach from ‘I believe’ to ‘I know’ the right way to proceed, both for planning and, evaluation. This includes handling award decisions along with the various situations that can come up in a procurement – often unexpected despite one’s best planning! Second, having the PSPP certificate is the documentation that you not only have experience, but you have that experience backed up by accredited, certified training.

Over the years, I have referred back to course work and material to review content prior to making decisions, and I regularly share this information with staff to assist with on-the-job coaching.

Robert began his procurement career in 1995 with the Fredericton Co-op where he managed various retail operations, including purchasing and marketing. He then joined the Government of New Brunswick, working his way up to Director of Strategic Sourcing before moving to Nova Scotia Power / New BrunswickNB Power.

Why did the PSPP appeal to Robert for his procurement and contract training needs?

The program expanded my knowledge base quickly and efficiently. Its case-study approach was appealing as it simulates ‘learning by doing.’ I was in a procurement position leading staff and I needed to enhance my foundational knowledge by applying it to the interpretation of provincial legislation and regulations.

These courses focus on ‘making it real’ rather than a ‘textbook’ approach, and they are tailored to the needs of the organization. In my case, the program focused on the legislative environment in Atlantic Canada.”

Do you feel the PSPP will strengthen the public sector procurement profession?

This PSPP will assist in two ways – providing an efficient program to build a foundation that can be a springboard to support more advanced training, or by complementing other programs such as the SCMP.

I give the PSPP a 9 out of 10!

Shanna Epp

Shanna Epp

Procurement Advisor, Yukon Government

“Techniques I learned in the PSPP program taught me valuable ways to ensure successful contracts, make my day-to-day life easier, and develop solutions for (once) difficult situations”

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Shanna Epp is a Procurement Advisor for the Yukon Government. Day-to-day, Shanna gives procurement advice, makes recommendations, supports development of policy, and engages in vendor outreach.

She wanted to invest in her career, but wasn’t sure how…

She chose the PSPP program by NECI because of its focus on Canadian Public Procurement and commitment to providing students with the most up-to-date critical information in procurement law.

Shanna attended the PSPP entirely online with a cohort of other public procurement professionals from across the country. Although she found the online format to be a different learning experience than what she was used to, she appreciated the flexibility it offered her and ultimately concluded that both the format and course delivery were ‘fantastic’. The weekly online sessions with her instructor kept her on track, reaffirmed that she understood concepts and gave her the confidence she needed to take on more responsibilities.

During the PSPP Program, Shanna discovered there are common difficulties and challenges for all public procurement professionals (regardless of the organization they work for). In addition to expanding her network, Shanna discovered how to navigate these issues, deal with tough situations, and follow proven methods to ensure successful contracts.

Shanna rates the program 10/10, and would highly recommend it for others in public procurement.

What were Shanna’s best ‘take-aways’?

I learned that planning is incredibly important. If done properly, it can set a path for the future that not only reduces issues, but guarantees better performance!”


It’s so easy to get lost in paperwork that sometimes you don’t pay close attention to contracts through the entire performance period. Performing regular, on-site inspections not only improved my contractor performance, but also made the final evaluation process much easier!


I often blamed the procurement process for issues when in reality the process is there to set me up for success. I just needed to plug in and think about what I wanted to achieve.

Cindy Brown

Cindy Brown

Strategic Advisor, Supply Chain – Merged Services Nova Scotia

“We have such an important responsibility to maximize the value of each dollar spent, so it’s important that we are well educated and on a continuous learning path.  The PSPP program is a perfect opportunity to do that.  It’s very well organized and focused.  It delivered exactly what it promises to…and that’s refreshing!”

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Merged Services Nova Scotia, completed the Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) in May of 2014, and we spoke with her upon her successful completion of the program.  She is a Strategic Advisor (Supply Chain) with Merged Services Nova Scotia.

The intention of the Supply Chain stream of Merged Services Nova Scotia is to leverage the collective buying power of Nova Scotia’s health system in an effort to achieve best value through more joint contracts and less variation in goods and services procured.  Cindy’s role focuses on maximizing the value available through partnering with specialized Group Purchasing Organizations.

With a background primarily in the private sector, Cindy sought out the PSPP program to provide the specific training that focused on public sector procurement and that clearly distilled the important and fundamental differences between the two.

As a result of the PSPP program, and its in-depth examination of past court cases and their outcomes, Cindy feels much more mindful of the legalities of the RFX process as it relates to public procurement.

Cindy found the program format exceptional, with clear and easy to follow directions and presentations.  She enjoyed the fact that she can work remotely at her own pace and enjoy online interactions with her cohorts.  She realized that everyone experiences many of the same challenges and adds “so why not learn from each other and share our collective knowledge to help support one another.”

Li Lei

Li Lei

Contracts Manager, Interuniversity Services Inc.

“Completing the program gave me a higher level of confidence in my position, and especially for developing high quality RFPs and strong supplier relationships. I am eager to explore my next training option to further my career in procurement and contract management”

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As the Contracts Manager, Li has spent the majority of her time developing RFPs, evaluating bids, and selecting suppliers for a diverse range of goods and services for post-secondary institutions through out Atlantic Canada. However, with the increased awareness of the importance of managing contracts, she finds herself spending more time monitoring supplier performance (such as defining KPIs and reviewing these KPI reports with suppliers on regular basis) and  developing  stronger supplier relationships.

Li began her journey through the PSPP certificate program on the recommendation of her Manager when she joined the organization.  Li initially found the legal language and case studies somewhat of a challenge to wade through when she began the program.  However, as she progressed through her training and gained more experience on-the-job, she understood the importance, relevancy, and became very engaged in her learning process.

Li was able to fit the program in along side of her demanding work load and completed the PSPP program within two years.   She considers achieving the Certificate a very important milestone in her career and is very proud of her accomplishment.  She shared that it not only demonstrates the increase of her public procurement knowledge but it is also highly recognized by her Manager.


What were Li’s best ‘take-aways’?

Learning about debriefing techniques and best practices!  I received so many tips, tools and templates throughout the course and have customized the ones that are most relevant and often used.  Most importantly, they don’t sit on a shelf collecting dust as I reference them daily!


I also enjoyed learning from other procurement professionals in my cohort.  One colleague shared a valuable template for scoring contractor performance that I plan to adopt for use in the future.  At the end of the day, I learned that, as a procurement professional, our struggles in the field are common to all and that I wasn’t alone. The strategies taught in the program help us cope with these challenges in a proactive and effective way.

Greg Mclean

Greg McLean

Procurement Specialist, Saskatchewan Research Council

The PSPP program provided me with the foundation to run a successful competitive bid project from cradle to grave all while improving critical thinking skills, and enabling me to become the preferred source of Procurement and Contracting expertise within my organization.”

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As a Procurement Specialist for the Saskatchewan Research Council, Greg has spent the last 10 years addressing socio economic objectives, maximizing competition, maintaining integrity, and ensuring customer requirements are met while following the organization’s procurement and contracting model.

With a total of 28 years in procurement, Greg  recognizes that the world of procurement is constantly evolving. Greg took the PSPP Certificate Program because he wanted to learn how to reduce potential issues arising from contracting and to keep up to date on procurement law and best practices.

Greg found the PSPP particularly interesting because of its focus on the public sector. Greg learned unique approaches to ensure success in the public procurement operating environment, and learned about common challenges from other public sector professionals in his online cross-country cohort.

Throughout the Program, Greg found his instructor  to be very knowledgeable. In particular, he appreciated that she brought unique, real life examples from other Canadian public sector organizations to the classroom which helped tie in learned concepts to actual practice.

Greg rates the PSPP program a full 10 out of 10, describing it as ‘an invaluable educational experience’!


What were Greg’s best ‘take-aways’?

With regards to the public sector, I now have the skills to navigate the complexities of public sector procurement, resulting in a unified voice which helps to streamline the procurement process and reduce risk for my organization. 


After taking the PSPP course my input is sought by my colleagues whenever a complex problem requires analysis pertaining to the Procurement and Contracting cycle


During the Program Greg had several ‘ah ha’ moments around the legal aspects, and particularly liked the Risk Management tool and process he worked with in PSPP 201.

Alanna Lester

Alanna Lester

Procurement Officer, BC Assessment

“My biggest ‘ah ha’ moment was learning the value and critical importance of the planning process.  It also reinforced the realization that there is always more than one way to approach a project and that I need to keep my mind open to these approaches.”

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Alanna has been with BC Assessment for 15 years and finds that the majority of her work involves the procurement of services or capital goods.  Prior to BC Assessment, Alanna worked as a Senior Buyer for Chemque Inc. in Ontario.

After moving from private to public sector, Alanna realized that procurement in the private sector is far less complex than the highly regulated public sector.  She found that the majority of procurement educational opportunities focus on the private sector, so she was drawn to the PSPP because of its unique focus on the complexities and nuances of public sector procurement.
Alanna participated in a blended delivery format of the PSPP, completing some courses online and others in the live classroom setting.  She enjoyed the experience, finding merit in both delivery formats.  While online delivery offers the convenience and ease of access, the classroom training provided a greater opportunity to network with colleagues, to share knowledge and learn how peers handle similar procurement situations.

The PSPP program prompted Alanna to be more aware of the unique aspects of each individual procurement, the boundaries within which public sector must operate, and the benefits that can be realized with adequate due diligence and appropriate time spent in the planning stage.

She reflects upon a quote she recently read in a NECI newsletter, “We never have time to do it right at the beginning, but we always find time to do it over when things go badly”.  For Alanna, this quote sums up the most valuable take-away from the PSPP training.  Not only does she now dedicate more time to planning, she also impresses upon all internal managers the importance of doing the same.

Patrick Green

Patrick Greene

Senior Buyer, Dalhousie University

“There are tangible pieces you can take back and use immediately which will not only improve your procurement and contract outcomes, but will enhance your relationships and ultimately your career.”

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As a senior buyer with Dalhousie University Patrick consults, as well as issues and manages public bidding opportunities that include:  University operations, teaching and research, and multi-institution collaborations.  Here is why the PSPP appealed to Patrick for his procurement and contract training needs:

“It is one of the very few, if not the only, educational program in Canada which deals specifically with public sector procurement in a comprehensive manner.  It covers the basics of general buying to the intricate and complex nature of high risk, multi-stakeholder public bidding processes.

When you’re the lead person in the middle of a complex procurement trying to balance all needs and perspectives, the third party insights and real world experience learned from the PSPP gives you the confidence to make effective and efficient decisions.”

Here is how the PSPP has improved his on-the-job performance:

“Sometimes you feel as if the situation you’re in is inherently unique and in many ways it is, however, with the education of the PSPP being founded in Canadian legal precedents, you now have practical reference to the same or similar situations, or at the very least, guiding insight.  This gives you the confidence to know when you might need to put the brakes on or take an alternate route.  It not only shows you how to do it but most importantly teaches you why.”

Patrick appreciated that the instructors had direct and specific experience in public procurement, including insight into the legal aspects – one of the PSPPs most beneficial features. This helped guide and inspire great discussion between classmates when talking about specific scenarios, providing a good mix of peer perspective and expert opinion. Patrick also appreciated how the courses provided him with specific tools, templates, and ideas for on-the-job success.  It opened him to processes he might have known about but hadn’t used, like Draft RFP’s, Expressions of Interest, Requests for Information and Qualifications.

There were plenty of ‘ah ha’ moments for Patrick and he refers back to his course material and case studies often.  Rating the program 10 out of 10, Patrick found that the PSPP offered a perfect balance of theory and practice.

The PSPP specifically deals with what we do in public procurement every single day but most importantly, how we can do it better.  I constantly recommend it and a number of my colleagues are currently enrolled as a result.”

Melanie MacDonald

Melanie MacDonald

Procurement Compliance Officer, Procurement Services, Government of Nova Scotia

“I give the PSPP 10 out of 10! I can’t recommend this program enough for anyone involved in public sector procurement in Canada.”

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Melanie MacDonald completed the Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) in February 2012.  We spoke with Melanie about her participation in December 2013.

Before recently taking on the role of Procurement Compliance Officer, Melanie worked as a Procurement Clerk in the same division. Prior to that, she worked in the private sector as a vendor, responding to RFXs for the JanSan industry.

In her current role with Procurement Services, Melanie monitors procurement transactions by government employees to ensure compliance with approved policies and procedures, reports to Trade Agreement bodies as required, provides continuous education of new and existing users in all aspects of procurement operations, and participates in specific outreach and education programs throughout government. Above all, she ensures clients are assisted in all aspects of the procurement process.

Melanie was attracted to the PSPP program as she was particularly interested in learning about public sector procurement in Canada, and knew the program was designed with input from the Province of Nova Scotia. She found the program provided in-depth, detailed training in public procurement. Not only was the program specific to Canadian law, the examples were based on a variety of local cases, ranging from all levels of government and other public sector entities.

Since completing the program, Melanie found that her confidence in handling procurement issues has increased ten-fold. Her knowledge and understanding of the many intricacies of the public procurement process are much greater as a result of PSPP certification. The program and certification were also instrumental in obtaining her current position of Procurement Compliance Officer with Procurement Services.

Melanie also believes the PSPP program is having an effect on the Public Procurement profession. As more and more public sector procurement professionals graduate from the program, she thinks we will see a growing network where professionals will share best practices and enjoy access to the experience of peers. In addition, Melanie expects to see a more consistent approach to public procurement across the country.

Jocely Templeman

Jocelyn Templeman

Buyer, Selkirk College

As a member of a small procurement team (1.5 positions) in a rural educational institution, Jocelyn found the most useful part of the PSPP program was the benefit of online delivery.  She shared that she would never have been able to obtain funding for travel, and time away from the office would have impacted their always stretched department.

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She found it easy to blend her study time during work hours, along with occasional evenings and weekends, greatly benefiting both herself and her organization without any negative impact.

Jocelyn found the 301 online modules provided valuable tips and tools for contract management moving forward, while the Discussion Forum provided an opportunity to network with and learn from the experiences of other public sector procurement specialists in her cohort.

The most useful tip I picked up?

“Maximum leverage is achieved before the contract is signed, therefore careful crafting of solicitation documents is essential to gain maximum benefit once Contract B is entered into.  Whatever you miss out of your RFx document will return to haunt you when managing Contract B with your successful proponent.”   –   Jocelyn Templeman, Buyer | Selkirk College

Ryan Chernoff

Senior Buyer, City of Kelowna

“The deep discussions and case studies encouraged me to think of creative ways to solve issues, and enhanced my critical thinking skills. I would strongly recommend this program to all public procurement employees.”

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After eleven years in the private sector, Ryan joined the City of Kelowna in 2012 and currently holds the position of Senior Buyer.  Ryan graduated from the PSPP in 2015 and found the Program to be an excellent way to learn and quickly expand his expertise with public procurement.  Overall he rated the program 9 out of 10.

Ryan appreciated the variety of delivery options for the components of the PSPP program. He opted for a blended learning format, taking PSPP 101 and 301 online and the 200 level courses in the classroom. He thoroughly enjoyed each component and was particularly impressed by the way the classroom courses fully engaged him by weaving in excellent lectures pieces, group projects and debriefing of exercises and case studies. As with all PSPP grads, Ryan found that networking with other procurement professionals throughout the Program was invaluable, and states that working with them on case studies and discussions enhanced his capacity for critical thinking. For Ryan, the online format of the final course in the series, PSPP 301, was an excellent way to pull it all together, using threaded discussions, case examples, readings and individual assignments. “Overall, I feel the way this program is set up really works!”

A piece that really stood out for Ryan was the risk assessment and risk management section. Ryan continues to refer to the PSPP 201 exercise called ‘Risk Assessment – Bridging the Gap’. Along with the other course materials, it has been a great resource for helping him create better RFPs and Tenders, and he often relies on his notes and relevant case studies to help guide his process.

Jocelan Torrelli - The Procurement School

Jocelan Torrelli

Procurement Specialist, BC Housing Management Commission

“During the courses, I found that the main theory behind everything is the planning stage. I found this to be the most vital stage of any procurement. I really feel that the PSPP will strengthen the public sector procurement profession.”

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Jocelan Torrelli completed the Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) in May 2014, and we spoke with her shortly after the successful completion of her program.

Jocelan is responsible for facilitating projects with both internal and external clients, from hiring consultants, to writing a scope of work and non-binding RFPs for Contractors to perform the renovation projects.  These are large-scale projects that entail internal and external renovations to multi-family dwellings.

Jocelan valued the fact that the PSPP was designed specifically for the public sector.   This fact was both appealing and refreshing.  As all previous training she had experienced focused on the private sector, Jocelan was alerted to the significant differences in the way procurement is handled in the public sector.

She found the format of the curriculum and courses was very simple to follow.   She came to understand that everyone faces similar problems in their procurement-related duties and it was empowering to be able to share information with people from diverse public sector organizations.

Jocelan reported that completing the exercises writing the evaluation criteria and the mandatory requirements for RFPs greatly improved her job performance.  Her refined process has significantly reduced the time required to weed out proponents, to ensure that all are capable of performing the duties as stated in the RFP.

Craig Butt

Craig Butt, PSPP

Procurement Officer III, Government Purchasing Agency. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

“This program, whether you are experienced or new, and having the range of professionals we had in our class, gives someone new a lot of knowledge and someone with experience, a different perspective. The knowledge passed on through the instructors and classmates is something totally intangible; I don’t think you could put a dollar value on it.”

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Craig Butt completed the Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) in June 2011.  We spoke with Craig about his participation in the Program in September 2011.

Craig’s agency is responsible for goods and services purchases for all 18 government departments for $2500 and up.  He has been with government purchasing for 4 years, and before that worked for a number of private sector companies in procurement positions. He sees a big difference in the focus of public-sector versus private-sector purchasing, mainly around the principles of best-value procurement rather than price-based purchasing, and legislation supporting the fairness and transparency required in public-sector.

The PSPP program appealed to Craig as it is the only program he has come across specifically designed for the public sector in Canada, and as such, it has direct relevance to the work he currently does. Craig feels that a lot of procurement and contract management training courses don’t carry relevance to what is being done on-the-job and are written from an outside perspective rather than a practitioner’s view. The PSPP program focuses on acquiring real-life skills that can be applied in his day-to-day work.

One skill that Craig has been able to use in his workplace immediately upon completion of the Program is conducting market sounding and prequalification processes. Until taking the PSPP program, his department had done very little prequalification.  Recently, upon Craig’s initiative, the department conducted a very successful prequalification process leading to a successful tender call that resulted in substantial savings for the Province. The class discussions and case studies Craig participated in during the Program helped him to develop the skills and confidence necessary to implement this process.

Craig also feels this program will strengthen the public-sector profession by providing a uniform education base across the Atlantic Provinces and the rest of Canada. Not all aspects of each course will apply to all organizations, but the Program gives participants a broad understanding of best practices used in other jurisdictions.  It also allows classmates to brainstorm with colleagues, come up with new ideas and perhaps adapt emerging practices to improve their own processes. This program enables participants to build a network of peers – it is invaluable to be able to pick up the phone and call someone in another city or province to ask advice and to get a third party, impartial opinion on how to approach a challenging situation.

Gerry Wilson

Gerry Wilson

Coordinator of Procurement, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board

“10 and I tell you I don’t give out 10 very often. It’s an awesome program!”

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Gerry Wilson completed the Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP) in June 2011. We spoke with Gerry about his participation in February 2012.

Gerry’s department is responsible for all procurement of goods and services for the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board. This includes everything from stationery to large-dollar renovation projects. He has been with the school board for 8 years and before that worked for the Department of National Defence in purchasing.

The PSPP program appealed to Gerry as it allows staff in his organization to get training that is particularly relevant to those working in Atlantic Canada. The program includes localized content which was previously lacking in other available offerings. Gerry feels that provincially and across the Atlantic Provinces, this program allows standardization and brings consistency. He was also attracted by the Canadian content and the focus on public sector policies and procedures as they differ from the private sector.

Gerry finds the material and course delivery format spot on – the program touches everything and does it right. It includes online, in-class, and resource material that culminates in a very effective program. The instructors are informed and have the added expertise of legal backgrounds and procurement experience – a huge asset. He really enjoyed the introductory online modules in PSPP 101: Introduction to Public Sector Procurement and once used to the technology, found PSPP 301: Procurement Practice – Putting it all Together fun and engaging.

Throughout the program, Gerry found opportunities to re-emphasize what his organization is doing is right, look at different techniques and try out new methods and models. Every session he was able to pick up something new from networking with instructors and classmates. Even after the courses, many classmates have stayed in touch, transferring reference material and asking/answering questions. Personally, Gerry has gone back and referred to the reference manual many times.

our values

1. Agility

  • training tailored to organizational operating environment, audience experience levels and regional nuances
  • flexible delivery options including online and blended learning
  • ongoing curriculum development to keep pace with changing content, technology and adult learning standards

2. Proven Value

  • measurable ROI through pre and post testing, exceptional learner evaluations and client testimonials, external accreditations and industry association alliances
  • focus on legal and business content specific to the Canadian market
  • loyal client base seeking relevant, affordable and results-oriented professional education

3. Forward Thinking

  • leveraging best practices from our network of customers, colleagues and instructors across the country
  • bi-weekly reporting on new legal developments and emerging procurement trends in our free online newsletter incorporating The Legal Edge
  • committed to developing the next generation of procurement and contract management professionals


Subject Matter Experts

Maureen Sullivan from The Procurement School

Maureen Sullivan

Maureen is one of our leading Subject Matter Experts since 1994.

An experienced litigator, mediator and dispute resolution practitioner, Maureen has an in-depth knowledge of both procurement law and contracting issues with particular expertise in negotiations.

She is a book author on procurement and in her spare time she volunteers with Restorative Justice.

Lise Patry from The Procurement School

Lise Patry

Lise is one of our leading Subject Matter Experts. She is responsible for development and review of training program content in the areas of procurement and contracting.

Lise is a commercial lawyer, certified corporate director and former business executive with a passion for government procurement. Majority of Lise’s 25-year career has been spent working on procurement contracts in government and private sector organizations as a commercial lawyer. She also provides general counsel services and offers expertise in structuring business contracts and advising on government procurement and corporate governance matters.

When Lise is not working, you will find her at the gym or on a mission to break 90 on the golf course.

Liz Busch from The Procurement School

Liz Busch

Liz is one of our leading Subject Matter Experts.

Liz also runs a Procurement Advisory Service, is a subject matter expert with over 19 years of experience as a public-sector procurement professional, managing government projects, programs and staff. She has an in-depth understanding of public sector procurement policy, trade agreements and case law. Liz is an experienced procurement course developer and facilitator/instructor for public sector buyers and vendors and is the principal author of the BC Bid Resources website.

Liz is a huge Star Trek fan, and was married at the Trekcetera Museum in Vulcan, Alberta.


Larry Berglund

Larry is one of our leading Subject Matter Experts.

Larry drafts public sector procurement policies which address social and economic development opportunities, as well as works with social enterprises. He facilitates social procurement strategies within government entities, increasing the understanding by elected officials and suppliers, and develops social procurement skills with procurement professionals. Larry has been a lecturer for United Nations staff and advocates on the role of social enterprises as being an integral part of the supplier community. He presented to the World Bank on social procurement strategies.

Larry, who played guitar in a rock band in his early days, is also the author of several books.

Marilyn's image

Marilyn Clarke

Marilyn is one of our newest subject matter experts.

Marilyn has been practicing as a contracts lawyer for over 20 years. Having supported procurement departments as in-house counsel at a crown corporation and a telecom company, she practices in all aspects of contract law and supports procurement groups with improving and streamlining their processes. She is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School and her hobbies include tennis, hiking, and cooking’.


Chris Sheel

Chris has been a practicing public-sector procurement professional for over 25 years. His areas of expertise include operational strategies, public sector compliance, navigating procurement policy, trade agreements, contract management strategy, and collaborative project delivery. Chris volunteers with the Okanagan local community association, golfs a bit and finds relaxation in making hügelkulturs out in the country.

Industry Thought Leaders


Edward Claringbold

Edward writes articles for us based on his industry experience.

Edward Claringbold is Experienced Procurement Officer, with experience of both Public and Private Procurement. An extensive background in customer service, financial, office administration and purchasing provide a great set of skills to excel in the development and execution of complex procurement strategies while providing purchasing advice.


Trish Rafuse

Trish writes articles for us based on her industry experience.

Trish Rafuse is currently Senior Contracts Manager at Interuniversity Services Inc. with over 15 years experience working exclusively in public procurement. In her spare time you can find her coaching and training at her local CrossFit gym.


Helen Doucette

Helen writes articles for us based on her industry experience.

Helen Doucette SCMP(Ret) has over 40 years of experience in the Purchasing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management industry, both private and public. Helen has instructed courses over 26 years. Outside of work, Helen loves tap dancing, reading, and exercising.


Graham Allen

Graham writes articles for us based on his industry experience.

Graham Allen is recently retired from Supply Ontario where he managed the entire procurement life cycle for a number of vendors and individual ministry procurements. His hobbies include white water canoeing, hiking, traveling and reading.


Gordon Kyle

Gordon writes articles for us based on his industry experience.

Gordon Kyle spent over 30 years, managing/supporting successful procurements for the public sector totaling over five billion dollars of project value. He enjoys tennis, cycling, and skiing in his retirement.