
Pavel Danilyuk

Contract Management’s Impact on Procurement Efficiency

Contract Management is often thought to be the last step in the Procurement life cycle but instead it is both the beginning and end of the procurement cycle and it provides a constant feedback loop. The following article discusses the various steps of contract management and its role in procurement efficiency. But first a definition […]

Exploring the Foundations of Canadian

Exploring the Foundations of Canadian Contract Law within Procurement Practices

Introduction: In the realm of Canadian public sector procurement, understanding the fundamental principles of contract law is essential for ensuring fair, transparent, and effective practices. This article delves into the core concepts of Canadian contract law and examines their practical applications within the context of procurement. By exploring the interplay between legal theory and real-world […]

Evolution of the Status Quo

Evolution of the Status Quo

Author :  Chris Sheel Delivering major capital projects on time and on budget has always been a challenging and elusive goal. Even more so now, seasoned professionals in the construction industry have seen budgets disrupted considerably by fluctuations in pricing and lead times that have shredded carefully drafted cost estimates and project schedules. Budgets previously […]

Procurement Planning Steps for Issuing a Solicitation

Procurement Planning: Steps for Issuing a Solicitation

Author : Graham Allen Procurement planning is foundational to preparing and issuing a successful solicitation. The following article outlines the solicitation process and while not all steps have equal weight all steps should be considered. To quote Yogi Berra, the famous baseball player and coach: “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end […]


Indigenous Procurement – An exciting new challenge

Author : Edward Claringbold Over the past three years, I have been the Procurement Lead for the First Nation Procurement Policy at my organisation. In late 2020, we took a bold step into the unknown by releasing the First Nation Procurement Policy, which was collaboratively designed and written with our First Nation Partners. Our aim […]

Procurement & Contract Planning

Procurement & Contract Planning: Canadian Public Sector Guide

Author: Graham Allen It is often said, “… working in public procurement is akin to being in a fish bowl with the cat watching.” This is an indication of the level of transparency and accountability required by public procurement professionals. A key aspect to keeping the cat away is a strong foundational procurement document that […]

tps blog

The ins and outs of Collaborative Procurement

Navigating the public procurement process can be challenging enough then add in Buying Groups, GPO’s or group purchasing organization, collaborative procurement initiatives, purchasing networks, collaborative sourcing partners, they go by so many names. They can be government agencies, not for profit organizations, or private companies. Some are membership based, national, regional, or sector specific. How […]

importance of ethical procurement

The Importance of Ethical Procurement Practices in Public Sectors

Author: Helen Doucette “Accept the bid from ABC Company” said the VP of Finance to the Director of Procurement.  “I cannot” replied the Director.  “Why not” asked the VP. “According to the Competitive Bidding Law of Canada, we can only accept compliant bids. ABC’s was late and deemed non-compliant. To accept the bid would put […]


Navigating the 5 Steps of the Procurement Journey Part 2

Author: Graham Allen In the second of two parts of “Navigation the Five Steps of the Procurement Journey” we’ll be covering posting, evaluation, award and close out. Step 3 Posting Once the procurement document is developed and approved it is posted online for bidders to respond. The posting time is determined primarily by the procurement’s […]

navigating the 5 steps of the procurement journey

Navigating the 5 Steps of the Procurement Journey Part 1

Author: Graham Allen There are many similarities and differences between public and private procurement. However, the greatest overlap is the procurement life cycle or as some refer to it as the Procurement Journey.  This two-part series discusses the five steps of the procurement journey beginning with concept and development and continuing with posting, evaluation and […]

balancing efficiency and effectiveness in procurement

Balancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in Procurement

Author: Larry Berglund As part of the assessment on the ability of a supply chain department to deliver value effectively, is its ability to do so efficiently. Efficiency is realized through many factors: the talent of its staff and the training budget; the governance policies and reporting structures; the budget for resources including equipment; the […]

contractor performance in the procurement

how to manage contractor performance

Author: Liz Busch Despite how well we plan our procurement projects, your contractor’s performance may not be what you were expecting. Some government organizations have clear measures and expectations, and systematic approaches to managing contractor performance. As an example, a Google search gives you these results: The City of Toronto’s Contractor Performance Evaluation Form (construction […]

Difference between public and private sector procurement

what is the difference between public and private sector procurement?

As a company that provides education in public procurement, this is perhaps the most common question that arises. While there are many similarities, the nuances of public legislation and free trade requirements create a procurement environment that is more regulated, demands a greater level of transparency, and requires vigilance to stay on top of the constantly […]

strategies for designing a contract management plan

Strategies for Designing a Contract Management Plan

Author: Liz Busch Planning for a procurement should consider the entire procurement lifecycle, including contract management and close-out.  However, it’s difficult to anticipate everything that may occur after the contract is signed – how does one plan for the unpredictable? The answer is to develop a contract management plan that includes strategies for: Establishing a […]

the planning phase of procurement

Finding the 2nd Right Answer: The Planning Phase of Procurement

Author: Larry Berglund The anchoring effect in decisions can be a self-limiting influence. Our awareness of past practices has a large affect on our future decisions. Our options moving forward are based on what we know and any deviations invite a sense of risk. What we did last month to run a competitive process or […]

The Purpose of Procurement

The Purpose of Procurement: How ESG is Changing our Roles

Author: Larry Berglund Major global events have been impacting supply chains for years: the shift from a fossil fuel energy supply to renewables; the digitalization of information; the electrification of transportation; the need for decarbonization to reduce emissions; eliminating plastics and waste; the pandemic; the circular economy; global warming; and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) […]

steps to building a strong procurement strategy

Top 10 Foundational Steps To Building A Strong Procurement Strategy

Author: Liz Busch Do you feel that your organization may not be strategically procuring the goods, services and construction it needs?  You’re not alone! Some organizations manage procurement reactively, where each acquisition is a stand-alone procurement once a need is identified which can ultimately result in multiple separate procurements for similar commodities.  Overall, this approach […]

guide to modern vendor relationships

Guide to Modern Vendor Relationships

Author: Liz Busch Public sector entities rely on the expertise and hard work of their contractors to successfully deliver on their mandates. Therefore, the relationships between the public sector and vendors are vital to the smooth operation of any government organization. But how can government employees ensure these positive vendor relationships while still maintaining control […]

compliance with trade agreements

How to ensure compliance with trade agreements

Author: Liz Busch Trade agreement obligations for government procurement projects are not easy to understand, which makes it difficult to determine compliancy.  This becomes more complex when more than one trade agreement applies, as the procurement must comply with all. This article will address two trade agreements – the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and […]

public sector procurement challenges

Public sector procurement challenges |The Procurement School

Author: Larry Berglund Talent Hiring and retaining staff with supply chain competencies is a growing issue for procurement in Canada. Not only have many people left the field, but those who remain are being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to the limit. The expectations of organizations to deliver value for money is approaching unrealistic levels. Material and labour shortages […]

procurement and planning

Procurement and planning: how to manage scope of work effectively

Author: Liz Busch How well you manage the scope of your contracts can significantly enhance your chance of success, or spell disaster.  Poorly written and managed scopes-of-work can result in few quality submissions to your solicitation, difficulties finalizing the contract with your frontrunner, disputes on whether the deliverables were met, vendor complaints, and even litigation. […]

negotiation skills in procurement processes

Dude, Whose Team Are You On? Negotiation Skills in Procurement Processes

  Author: Larry Berglund Of all our interpersonal skills we can improve, negotiation is one of the best to focus on for supply chain professionals in the public sector. Procurement in the public sector can be characterized as being reliant on public tendering. While public tendering is a commonly used tool for attaining prices, there […]

social procurement

Local is Good Donkey: How Social Procurement Changed Shrek

author: Larry Berglund Want to make a deep-rooted difference in your career?  Step 1: Adopt a social procurement strategy for your organization. Step 2: Implement it! What is Social Procurement? Social procurement was a nascent idea which resonated with supply chain professionals across the public sector. Rather than focusing on and defending the lowest cost […]