
balancing efficiency and effectiveness in procurement

Balancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in Procurement

Author: Larry Berglund As part of the assessment on the ability of a supply chain department to deliver value effectively, is its ability to do so efficiently. Efficiency is realized through many factors: the talent of its staff and the training budget; the governance policies and reporting structures; the budget for resources including equipment; the […]

the planning phase of procurement

Finding the 2nd Right Answer: The Planning Phase of Procurement

Author: Larry Berglund The anchoring effect in decisions can be a self-limiting influence. Our awareness of past practices has a large affect on our future decisions. Our options moving forward are based on what we know and any deviations invite a sense of risk. What we did last month to run a competitive process or […]

The Purpose of Procurement

The Purpose of Procurement: How ESG is Changing our Roles

Author: Larry Berglund Major global events have been impacting supply chains for years: the shift from a fossil fuel energy supply to renewables; the digitalization of information; the electrification of transportation; the need for decarbonization to reduce emissions; eliminating plastics and waste; the pandemic; the circular economy; global warming; and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) […]

public sector procurement challenges

Public sector procurement challenges |The Procurement School

Author: Larry Berglund Talent Hiring and retaining staff with supply chain competencies is a growing issue for procurement in Canada. Not only have many people left the field, but those who remain are being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to the limit. The expectations of organizations to deliver value for money is approaching unrealistic levels. Material and labour shortages […]

negotiation skills in procurement processes

Dude, Whose Team Are You On? Negotiation Skills in Procurement Processes

  Author: Larry Berglund Of all our interpersonal skills we can improve, negotiation is one of the best to focus on for supply chain professionals in the public sector. Procurement in the public sector can be characterized as being reliant on public tendering. While public tendering is a commonly used tool for attaining prices, there […]

social procurement

Local is Good Donkey: How Social Procurement Changed Shrek

author: Larry Berglund Want to make a deep-rooted difference in your career?  Step 1: Adopt a social procurement strategy for your organization. Step 2: Implement it! What is Social Procurement? Social procurement was a nascent idea which resonated with supply chain professionals across the public sector. Rather than focusing on and defending the lowest cost […]