
Competitive Dialogue Process by University Health Network - The Procurement School

what’s working for you? competitive dialogue process by university health network

By Juli Smyth and Debby Shapero Propp Is your organization confronted with large complex projects and not sure which way to proceed to procure? Have you wanted to seek the expertise of the suppliers in the market and have an open discussion in an exploratory and transparent way? And is senior management at your organization […]

Spotlight On Legal Risk - The Procurement School

procurement and trade agreements: a practical perspective on cfta and ceta

Each New Year is a time to reflect. In 2017 at least two changes occurred that affect supply chain practices. On July 1 the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and on September 21 the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) came into force. Both trade agreements have a significant impact on procurement in […]

When can an owner close a process and re-tender - The Procurement School

when can an owner cancel a process after closing and re-tender the same project?

Background In February 2014, the City of Toronto (“the City”) issued a Request for Quotations for diving services at its water treatment facilities (RFQ#1). ASI Group Ltd. (“ASI”) was the lowest compliant bidder at the public opening for RFQ#1, but the City elected to cancel that process and re-issued the RFQ in April 2014 for […]

Applying a BATNA to Workplace Relationship Conflicts - The Procurement School

applying a batna to workplace relationship conflicts

By Gordon White, the Think of your BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) as your plan B. If everything you try through working on a troubling relationship doesn’t bear fruit, where will you turn, what will you do? Your answer to these questions is your BATNA. Having a BATNA means thinking ahead, and it […]

trump & brexit: is this what happens when governments leave too many people behind?

Sandra Hamilton is Canada’s First Social MBA and a Public Sector Social Procurement Advisor. Hamilton works with all three levels of government and with public owners to modernize procurement processes and achieve more social value through public sector supply chains. She is the former Business Manager to Vancouver 2010 Olympics CEO John Furlong and has […]