PSPP 202: Solicitation and Award


Format: Self-directed Modules and weekly Instructor-led LIVE sessions
Duration: 4-weeks
Prerequisites: 101 Recommended

This interactive course is delivered online over 4-weeks. Participants focus on how to conduct a challenge free and successful competitive solicitation process. Learners practice creating critical contract components such as Key Performance Indicators and other monitoring and measuring tools to ensure the organization receives what it expects.

This session explores the intricacies of meeting public-sector obligations of fairness and transparency in the context of a solicitation – particularly, how to conduct a fair evaluation and award process according to the express terms of the solicitation document. This course also emphasizes the critical documentation that must be retained at each step of the process, and the importance of maintaining a good working relationship with contractors and suppliers.

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PSPP 101 (highly recommended)

Additional Benefits

  • Complementary 1-1 short meeting with our expert for top performers * New
  • Rich content update by a 30 year public procurement veteran lawyer * New
  • Cutting edge Learning Management System enabling ease of learning * New
  • We plant a tree on your behalf for each purchase made counted via checkout * New
  • Opportunity to share your unique story as a thought leader with the world * New
  • Procurement eBook (free for a limited time if bought with PSPP bundle) * New
  • 10% complimentary price off on purchase of our Procurement eBook * New
  • User friendly for learners with vision and hearing challenges * New
  • Credly Badge that can be shared on social media
  • Buy Now Pay Later (for individual learners)
  • Online ‘Free Community’ access
  • 24*7 Live Chat

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  • Save 10% (pre-tax) if you buy more 200 level courses within 30 days from previous purchase
  • Save 20% (pre-tax) if you buy PSPP bundle

SKU: N/A Category:
PSPP Pie Chart - Equal Parts Planning, Solicitation (Highlighted), Award (Highlighted), Managing, Evaluation
Volume Discounts:
When enrolling in the same course and cohort.5 – 9 Registrants = 5% OFF
10+ Registrants = 10% OFF


  • Solicitation methodologies and requirements
  • Designing appropriate evaluation methodology, drafting criteria and weighting
  • Key solicitation terms and critical contract provisions
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution, governance, termination and contract transition
  • Advertisements and electronic posting requirements and process
  • Proponent meetings, site visits and enquiries
  • Handling, safekeeping and opening of bids and proposals
  • Recognizing and addressing bid-rigging and collusion
  • Conducting fair, equal and transparent evaluation processes
  • Notification of award, executing contract, debriefing unsuccessful vendors and formal vendor complaint processes
  • Handling freedom of information requests and corporate reporting

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize conflict of interest and bias that may affect your evaluation team
  • Discuss evaluation techniques for assessing mandatory and desirable requirements
  • Review procurement strategies such as draft RFPs, web-based and multi-stage procurements
  • Identify the risks involved in cancelling a process after closing and what steps to take if this becomes necessary
  • Identify the importance of conducting a fair and open process and handling vendor complaints in a professional manner
  • Demonstrate how to draft service levels for different contract scenarios
  • Discuss and develop strategies to set up the final contract including payment terms and exit rights

Expected Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will have the necessary knowledge and tools to conduct the solicitation and award phase of the procurement and contract management cycle. They will be able to select an appropriate solicitation method based on requirements, draft Contract B terms, conduct an effective evaluation process, finalize contract award and handle vendor debriefings.


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